Friday 30 August 2013

Working with Daddy

I got to work with Daddy and Grampa yesterday. It was exciting since the big cement truck came to our house. Bath time was a little less fun since I was really dirty. I had dirt in places that I did not know even existed. The good news is, if you need a contractor to pur you a cement block I am available most days!
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All ready for my first day of pre school. When mommy dropped me off I started playing with my new friends right away. I was a real biig boy since I did not even cry.

My new school bag with my name on it! I had markers, and glue, and my new shoes in it.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Summer time

Me and Mommy

Family day in Pointe Claire

I'm a worker man! just like Papa

Did you know that I love summer? There is so many reasons for that: my Birthday, playing hockey outside, going swimming, my Birthday, working in the garden, building with daddy.. Oh and did I mention my Birthday!  Too much to catch up on so I am going to post a few pictures of summer fun.