Tuesday 27 October 2015

Getting ready for Halloween is never easy. There are so many cool costumes out there and each is more interesting than the last! I have finally decided what I am going to be.... a skeleton! Mommy is going to put some scary makeup on my face and maybe even a few scars here and there to make me look extra spooky! Stay tuned for more picture of my hallows eve adventures.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

First day of big boy school!

So let me tell you, who ever said that the first day is scary has obviouselly never seen the Halloween Scooby Doo- cause that was way scarier! I have a great teacher and a nice big class. It is all new to me but I am sure that I will have a good time. 

The first day was great! We read a story and talked about... what did we talk about again? Hum, I will have to keep you postedon that another time for now I am busy being a 5 years old boy that is interested in everythign else on the planet except talking about my day.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Fun at the Ranch

 This is Kim, she is big, black and probably really heavy but she is so much fun! She likes to play with me and most of all she likes to stick out her tongue. I had the chance to go se eher this weekend and groom her. mommy said that she likes to have a spa day every once in a while and get all cleaned up.

You know the best part, I helped mommy bring her for a walk. Did you know that she walks like a dog right next to you up the street? Well... right next to you is a big statement cause she tries to eat grass every step she takes.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

Date day!

 Nothing beat`s a date with my two favorite people! Especially when it involves a day in an amusement park! We sure had an amazing time going on rides, getting splached and even paying too much to try to win a teddy bear! In all guess who won Papa a bear... ME!

 The walk from the car was a little long so mommy gave me a lift part way. Merci Maman.

Daddy well... he didn`t give me a lift. he makes me work for what I want. In the end it was all worth it and this ended out to be a great day! Although I was too young to go into the red clown tent- you have to be 13.. I got to go on almost all of the rides that I wanted.

 Pointe Claire family day is always fun but this year was even more exciting than any other year. I have been waiting my entire life to get my face painted as a Siberian tiger. I was so excited that I kept the paint on for two days. By the end, I looked more like Kiss than a cute tiger! mommy had to convince me that it was not the best look for me.

Family fun day did lead to a sleep over with these guys. Yup, my brother`s from another mother. It was 32 degrees so you can imagine that we spent our day in the pool and playing in the sprinkler. 

 The fun didn`t end there... uncle Joe showed up in a garbage truck. i got to live my child hood dreamand pretend to be a garbage man on a real garbage truck. I kinda decided that I don`t want to be a garbage man anymore. i am planning to be a vet, or maybe a life guard? Who knows.

Me and my girl hanging out! BFF

Monday 6 July 2015

Something sweet

 Try out these amazing greek Yogurt Pops

1 cup greek yogurt
1/4 cup shreaded coconut
1 cup of fresh berrier 
2 Tbsp of your favorite in season jam

Freeze for 3 hours. Serve as a refreshing treat. Enjoy!

Number 11

Year number two playing in the big leagues. That is right I am the official number 11 for the Pointe Claire Cheetah`s. By my second game I had already scored five goal. not that anyone is counting!