Wednesday 5 August 2015

 Pointe Claire family day is always fun but this year was even more exciting than any other year. I have been waiting my entire life to get my face painted as a Siberian tiger. I was so excited that I kept the paint on for two days. By the end, I looked more like Kiss than a cute tiger! mommy had to convince me that it was not the best look for me.

Family fun day did lead to a sleep over with these guys. Yup, my brother`s from another mother. It was 32 degrees so you can imagine that we spent our day in the pool and playing in the sprinkler. 

 The fun didn`t end there... uncle Joe showed up in a garbage truck. i got to live my child hood dreamand pretend to be a garbage man on a real garbage truck. I kinda decided that I don`t want to be a garbage man anymore. i am planning to be a vet, or maybe a life guard? Who knows.

Me and my girl hanging out! BFF

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