Sunday 15 January 2012


Where are we going?
What a cold weekend it was! But that didn't stop me mommy and daddy  from playing outside in the snow. We woke up early on saturday morning and had  a nice big breakfast that papa made us and then it was outside to play. Too bad that the snow was not sticky enough to make a snow man. It was still fun to play in the snow and go for a sleigh ride.

That way mama

Toes, Toes

Who could they be looking at?

Bear Hug!

In the evening we went for a dinner with my family. I got to play with my aunt and grandparents. I really am a spoilled!

Sunday afternoon was even colder. It was -28! Too cold to go outside to play even in my big snowsuit.So we wentto Zig Zag Zoo with my friends and my cousin. I had  fun but we left early since I was tired and getting cranky. I guess next time when mommy tells me to nap in the morning since we have a play date I will listen.

I wonder what next weekend will bring?

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