Friday 18 November 2011

A Bad Dream

Last night I had a bad dream. I woke up in the middle of the night so scared in my bed that mommy had to come get me. She gave me a bottle and it calmed me down a bit but there was no way that I was going back to my bed! Me and mom cuddled up on the couch for a while but then she brought me to the big bed. I guess that she was not as comfy as me on the couch. I was half asleep when she put me in bed but when I saw that papa was next to me, I woke up right away. He was snorring like a bear, but not for long... I snuggled up right on his tummy and gave him a big  wet kiss. Guess what???? He grumbled and woke up. He let me stay in the bed with him and mom for a few minutes but then he brought me back to my own bed.

I was still scared to be alone but I manned up to make my daddy proud! Hope that tonight I will not have any scary thoughts.

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