Monday 28 November 2011

Tis the season

Auntie Tracy bought my mom this special christmas decoration!

What an exciting last few days. I went to meet the man in the red suit! Yup, I met Santa. I swear he is real, I saw him with my own two eyes. He was so real that I was scared. I would not go anywhere near him. Finally mom and dad convinced me to get close enough for a picture.

This was as close as I was getting and mom was staying with me!

Our tree with child proof plastic balls,

We also put up our Christmas tree. It is all a little confusing... mom covered the tree with balls but I am not allowed to play with them! I have to admit when her and papa are not looking I hide them under my bed. I don't think that they have found the spot yet so I am starting a little collection in my room.

We listened to christmas music all weekend again. I am still working on perfecting my dance mooves to impress the ladies this holiday season. We also started making our holiday chocolate. I figure that everyone likes chocolate so if my dance mooves don't get better I will offer chocolate as the perfect little surprise to give all the special people in my life.

Once all that was done I was ready for a nap. I didn't even make it to my bed.

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