Thursday 18 December 2014

For the love of Santa

 I went to see Santa Clause this weekend! I had to tell him what was on my Christmas list in case he forgot what I put in my letter to Santa. He must be really smart that Santa to remember everything that all the children ask for. How can he possibly remember every wish and every address?
I made a Rudolf hat at the Friendship Tree this week. I think it is kinda cute but the dogs keep trying to eat it!

Friday 5 December 2014

Hard work

No one ever told me how much work it would be to learn how to spell my name. Let me tell you that it is exhausting! I am in the process of learning how to spell and trace my name. I will keep you all posted how it is going.

Joyeux Noel

Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse....

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter. Dolce sprung from his bed to see what was the matter.

Yup this is what all the commotion was about. Daddy bought me a puppy! We he actually bought it for mommy. But you know how it is, what is your is mine. I obviously had to find her a cute name and somehow Cherif Callie was on my mind. I got creative and decided to name her Callie.

I love to hug her and cuddle with her. She even chases me around the house! The best part is that Dolce loves her too!

Note to self: Don't try to talk when Callie is in your face, Unless you want a huge kiss!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Is it too early to get ready for Christmas?

Never! I am one of those firm believers that Christmas should start right after Halloween. Daddy is not so sure about this and thinks that I am a little crazy about the holiday season. Then again I have inherited all of daddy's genetics so I have to have something from mommy... Guess it is the love for Christmas. From the picture I guess that you can imagine we bought a Christmas tree this week. Not to put in the house but to decorate outside! 

Aunty Caroline helped me make my list for Santa. I am having a hard time choosing a few things out of the book so I went ahead a put a big red circle on almost everything in the book. Hey, at least the big man has some selections to choose my present from!

As a four year old there is a lot of exciting things that happen. Like the bus driving down our street, playing in the mud, building a new Lego but yesterday something really exciting happened. Daddy bought me and mommy a new puppy! We named her Callie like Sheriff Callie or Sally depending how I am feeling. This is her.  

Monday 17 November 2014

This weekend was full of surprises...mommy and papa were home for a three day weekend, we finished all of our renovations, it snowed Oh and did I mention it SNOWED! I was excited to wake up and see all that white stuff. It is too bad that there was not enough to make a snowman.  

Did I mention that I got to go horse back ridding this weekend?  I got to go for a ride with my mom. Daddy went on a ride of his own. I do not think that he thought that the horsey would run so fast. He looked a little surprised.

 Me and mommy took a few selfies while we were on the trail. Most of them did not turn out so well since we were making funny faces!

 Gosh was I tired when I got home. I was cold and ready for a nap. Well, not really a nap since I am a big boy now and never take a nap. I was kinda happy to have my loyal Cooper to cuddle me and warm me up!

I almost forgot to mention that I started my Christmas list for Santa. Boy, is that ever a hard job!~ How can I possibly limit my list to a reasonable amount of toys? I mean have you seen how many amazing toys are in the flyers these days. Every weeks I keep finding cooler ones! I guess that it will have to be a work in progress.

Wednesday 12 November 2014


A word that I love! Mommy and Daddy not so much... 
yet our house is always undergoing some sort of transformation. 
Worker gloves-check
Ready Papa to help you, or slow you down. Let the work begin!

Get Away Weekend

Every once and again it is nice to get away for the weekend. not that I loke to leave my toys and tractors behind but it is nice to have a sleep over some place new. Most of the time I manage to sleep in the adult bed while Papa fights with the size of a single bed. haha

There was a lot of fun activities that we did while we were at the cottage. Thanks Jen and Phil for the invite!

Although the weather was cold it was nice enough to go for a long walk in the woods and a quick paddle boat ride to see the beaver damn. 
Walk in the wood with Mama and Jen

The walk home was a little bit challenging

Thursday 30 October 2014

Happy Halloween

Today at school we went to the pumpkin patch and guess what I found? A pumpkin. It is perfect. Not too big and not too small. Obviously as soon as I got home I wanted to start carving it.

I couldn't do it by myself so mommy and daddy helped me out. My papa made me a special spider man carving. I can not wait to put it out and show it off to all my friends.

I am having a little bit of trouble deciding what I want to dress us as for Halloween. I have a few costumes like ninja turtle, a transformer, a police man, a fireman, a cowboy, or even bat man. Come to think about it, maybe I should just dress up as Dolce! Halloween is a lot of fun. Not only because it is a celebration full of candy but also since it is scary. I went to a haunted house this week. A real haunted house with big spiders and scary masks.. you know what, I was not even scared! It's all pretend... Right mommy and daddy it is all pretend? Hummmmm

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Thanksgiving WeekendI

I guess from the picture you can tell that I went apple picking this weekend. I picked an entire bag of apples and then helped daddy make a pie. Since it was later in the season I had to climb all the way to the top of the trees to get the apples.

We were one of the first people to arrive at the orchard so we had the entire field to ourselves. We even got to go for a tractor ride once we were done. Before leaving we got to look at the animals and then back home it was.

We decorated the house for Halloween. It looks spooky but not too scary. Mommy was trying to pick up some of the leaves but never got it done since I kept jumping in the leaves.

After all the playing outside and all the fresh air we got I wanted to play inside a bit with my rabbit. It was time for some TLC before leaving for a fantastic turkey dinner.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

A week in the life of Nathan

A week in the life on me is well... busy, action packed, and full of adventure! Lately there has also been a lot of Power rangers involved in my weeks. Ever since we got my Halloween costume I have been wearing it.

Fall is here and so I have had to take out a few jackets and warmer clothing. The good news is that I can now do up buttons! Mommy is really excited about this. Not that it is a surprise that she is so enthusiastic about me doing something new but the weird part of all this is daddy is excited too? Maybe he was tired of doing up my buttons? Adults... sometimes they are hard to understand

We went to this cool restaurant Sunday. We had burgers and milk shakes. Can you imagine that I was allowed a milk shake before lunch? This was probably one of the coolest places that I have ever been!

Hockey finally started! I could not wait to get on the ice. I forgot how slippery it was and spent a lot of time on my hands and knees but it was a blast.

Shhhh it's a secret- It's really not a secret at all. I was being silly in the car with mommy!

Monday 29 September 2014

Go Habs GO!

Mommy and Daddy brought me to my first real hockey game! It was a lot of fun. Our evening started by a ride on the train to the Bell Center. Then we went for dinner at the restaurant and then we walked to the game. There were a lot of fans outside and everyone was wearing their hockey shirts. At least all the real fans were!

We were sitting high up but I was just excited to have a date night and be at the game. You know what the best part was... I got to eat chips and a hot dog! and I got a new Zamboni night light!

I was pretending not to notice that mommy was taking a picture of us. 

Before leaving we just had to stop by Youppi town! I got to try on his big shoes. They were a little big- don't you think?

By the end of the night I was really tired! I was looking forward to getting home to relax. All I remember is getting into bed, putting my dou dou over me and then lights out. I think I might have been so tired that I didn't even wish maman and papa a good night.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Soccer this year was a blast. At the beginning of the season I was not so sure about my game but by the end of the season I was MVP! Go wolf cubs Go.

We celebrated the soccer tournament this weekend. I even got to participate in the parade. It was a lot of fun, there was hot dogs and cotton candy! What could be better than that?

I was a little tired after all my games. Ok fine, I was in a horrible mood and my mommy probably wanted to leave me in the mall. But it all worked out, it always does and we ended our weekend off on a good note. Oh, I almost forgot to mention we planted a new tree in our yard. I helped my papa dig a huge hole so that we could plant it. I will have to post a picture of it soon. I can not wait for it to be big enough to hang a swing.

Grandma and Grampa's Camp

We finally got to go back to the camp for a full weekend! Between all of our summer activities it has been hard to find the time but it was sure worth it!

We took the opportunity to spend a bit of time on the lake having a good time with the family. Ok, so I will be honest... we did goof around and grampa let me drive the boat! It was sooooo cool!

I can't forget to mention the fish that we caught. Out of all the fisher men that were in the boat can you believe that I was the one to catch a fish! Beginners luck!

NY Fashion!

Safety First!

Monday 11 August 2014

The woods

Apparently they have been around for a long time but me and mommy discovered some new woods near our house. It is our special treat for Dolce. He likes to go there and walk. I have to admit that I like going there too. Every time it is a new adventure! Mommy is not so good with directions so sometimes we get a little bit lost but we always make it home. I can't wait to come here in the fall!

Going to the lake

Last night Mommy and I went for a walk by the water. It was nice and hot out and there was a lot of boats on the lake. Sometimes we like to go to the water to walk around and change the routine.

I was excited that the water level has finally gone down. Perfect for throwing rocks in the lake.

In all it was a perfect night to be by the water.