Wednesday 12 October 2011

Happy Turkey!

This was the best weekend ever, my parents were home for four days! The weather was great too so we got a lot of stuff done around the yard. Me and mom worked in the garden together. To be honest I just dug some random holes and chewed on the tools but mom seemed happy with my work!

I got to play with my cousin too. He came over a few times in the evening to play. My auntie said that Liam sleeps better after playing with me. Guess all the running around makes us tired. After playing with Liam, I slept in till 7a.m. That is sleeping in for me! I decided to give my parents a break and let them catch up on some shut eye. Let me tell you that by 7a.m I was full of energy and ready to start my day. A bite to eat and we were off to swimming lessons.

My favourite part of the weekend was the turkey dinner that Grandma and Grandpa made for us. We had a traditional home made turkey feast. Grandma even made two kinds of pie. Yummm….. I also tried cranberries for the first time and I really like them. I think that I had more cranberries than turkey but I still finished my whole plate. All in all, I think that Thanks giving will be one of my favourite holidays.

The rest of the weekend was filled with wagon rides, a new game and even installing my new pool. I can’t wait to go for a swim with all my friends and the nice people who helped my parents install it. I am so lucky to have such nice neighbours!

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