Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween!

One of mama's pumpkins!

It was a little spooky out there toniht but I got a lot of candy. mom says it is cause I am cute but to be honest I think it is cause I did so many houses. We went so far. we went all the way around the block! About 15 houses. It was too far for me to walk so my parents brought me in my wagon. I started out my night with papa while mommy gave out candy and then they switched. Mom dressed up as a princess! She was pretty. My friends came with me too. Me, Rose and Liam. Georgia is a little bit too small to trick or treet but she will be comming with us next year.

Did you guess??? An aligator

Me and mom got ready together.

My first house, a visit across the street!

My best friends! Hope we will have many more pictures together

I think that I am getting the hang of it, common let's go guys!

Ian: Liam come sit with Rose... Liam: Miam sleep with Rose? Ian: NO Liam you are not sleeping with Rose, Not now, not today, not ever~!

Papa stop stealing my candy!

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