Monday 17 October 2011

Rainy Days

Most people say that rainy days are borring, but not at my house. Saturday it was rainy out but me and my parents still had a lot of fun. Me and Papa played a few imaginary games toether using an old empty diaper box. We even tried to get Dolce to play but he didn't want to stay under the box. I played cars and trucks. mom made me a ramp that my cars could play on that went around the living room and over the poof.

Common papa,I know that it is you, I can see you through the crack!

After that it was time of a drink and snack. Mom made me some muffins and something special to drink. It was warm and brown. At first I was not sure but after my first sip, it was sweet and delishous. Mom called it hot chocolate! I hope that every cold rainy day my parents will want to sit with me and have hot chocolate. I think that it miht even be one of the best things that I have tasted so far.


The cup cakes that me and mom made. We even went to the candy store to get some candy to decorate them.

Since it was a rainy day I had a bit of time to let my curriosity run. Check out my video to see what mom and dad caught me doing. I guess I should have been a little more carefull cause I now have a lock on my bedroom door!

The next day turned out to be nice out. We got to play outside in the leaves. It was a little cold up but we dressed warm and kept mooving so we didn't get cold. Mom and dad made me a few piles all around the yard to play in.

We also had a water warning in Pointe Claire. The city called our house in the middle of the night to warn us not to drink the water. I didn't wake up for the call nor did I hear the city trucks with their sirens but, I was there to give mom a hand mooving the heavy water bottles. I didn;t want her to feel weak but I think that they were a little heavy for her.

By the end of the afternoon I was ready for a nap, so was papa.

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