Tuesday 20 September 2011

Go Habs Go!!!

Glasses are ready to go!
It still fits..
Even in the little people world the hockey buzz is starting again. Little boys and girls all across Montreal are wearing their hockey pj's and jerseys today. All in honour of this seasons first pre game.
I was planning to stay up and watch the begining of the hockey game but I am just too tired. It was a big day today. I went to daycare while grandma and cousin Liam were at Liams class. I had a really good time and played with my new friends. I think that this year I will like it more than the last.
Dolce is outside... he will miss the game
I was also awake early this morning since my uncle Tyler was leaving to go back to work. It sure was nice to visit with him a bit. I am planning to wake up early tomorrow too so that me and Papa can watch sport 30 and get all the hockey updates. Guess I better get to bed.
Go Habs Go!
Papa I am sooo tired... Doudou???

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