Wednesday 7 September 2011

Thanks aunt Ingrid for the pictures

My aunt Ingrid finally sent me the pictures from the beer fest this weekend. I wanted to show you who my aunts are so that in the future when I talk about them you will know who the special ladies in my life are. There is also my real aunt Tracy and my tante Caroline but I will post pictures of them the next time we have a get together.
Mommy, aunty Jen, Aunty Ingrid, and my aunty Jessie!
My mom also wanted me to put the picture of me and her playing peek-a-boo. You can't tell in this picture but Daddy is on the other side. He didn't come in the blow up game. Instead he watched us and laughed at mommy and Ingrid. He said that they were big kids. As far as I am concerned they can be kids as often as they want. Gives me someone to play with.
Peek -A-Boo Papa!

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