Sunday 11 September 2011

Kiss Please

Saturday night the nice people from accross the street came over for dinner. I asked mom and dad to invite their dogs Millie and Neimo over too but I guess they didn't since Claude and Joanne came over solo. It was still fun. I was tired so I went to bed early but before going to bed I played with Joanne. She is my favorite! Well, I love Claude too but there is something special about Joanne. I even got to give her a good night kiss.


I think that she was a little surprised cause it was a wet one right on the kisser.

Ok, it might have been a wet one

Mom and dad tell me all the time that I have to start kissing with my mouth closed but I just don't get it. Guess that it is a good thing that she didn't see me before the kiss cause I was a little dirty. I had pasta for dinner that my papa made for me and I kinda had it all over my face.

Uhhhh... Do I have anythin on my face?

Sunday morning mom brought me for a walk since daddy was golfing. It is sure getting cold out there in the morning! Fall is just around the corner. Then we went to the mall with grandma and to get some fresh veggies from grampa's garden. We spent our afternoon playing outside and mom planted some bulbs. She is still working hard on her gardens. We even had our last corn on the cob of the season.. I love corn.

 With fall comming it is a good thing that mom and dad bought a leaf blower this weekend cause I am planning to spend a lot of time jumping in the leaves this fall! 

Big seat for Papa, medium seat for Mama and little seat that is just right for me!

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