Saturday 20 August 2011

Doudou Watch


This is my doudou, my parents gave it to me when I was born.  Thank god because I love my blankie!  Me and doudou have a special connection.  Yup he comes everywhere with me.

Was I really this small at one time?

The last few days he has been with me all the time because I have a cold.  Donno why but he makes me feel better.  I even brought doudou with me to the store and on my walk.  My mom tell's me all the time we have to wash doudou.  So this morning, I tried to bring doudou in the shower.  Papa told me NO!  I wish that my parents with just make up there minds already.  Are we washing doudou or not?  I mean I know that I have separation and can't sleep without the blanket I just thought the shower was a good way to get it cleaned so that mom stops complaining about the stench.  She is right it does kind-a-smell.

Watching Saturday morning cartoon's with Doudou

Watch my blog to see the next place that my dear doudou show's up.

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